Отличный ресторан с Армянской кухней. Все что пробовали было вкусно. Первый раз попробовал стейк запеченный в соли))
264 m from hotel
A guide to great places near Seven Visions Resort and Places, the Dvin
Отличный ресторан с Армянской кухней. Все что пробовали было вкусно. Первый раз попробовал стейк запеченный в соли))
264 m from hotel
К сожалению это аттракцион, в не детская дорога, как она изначально задумывалась.
292 m from hotel
Попробуйте острые рёбрышки. Это просто потрясающе вкусно !
298 m from hotel
24 Saryan str.
Beautiful, peaceful place that provides the perfect environment for the ultimate union of body and soul (: My favorite classes are "Vinyasa" with Bella and "Akhanda" with Zarine.
345 m from hotel
28 Amiryan St.
Vahe is the best swimming coach, i overcame my fear and learned to swim thanks to his patience and approach! Highly recommend!
373 m from hotel
wonderful atmosphere! especially at urish tegh! mesmerizing music, nice and polite staff!
401 m from hotel
46 Leo street
Awesome beer, great and friendly staff and real American burgers! Affordable and excellent option for big groups!
0.6 km from hotel
72 Aram Street
Just can't decide whether it's my first or second home ^_^
1.0 km from hotel
40 Tumanyan St.
when you're having a bad day, just climb Cascade and watch Mt. Ararat. There you'll realize how small your problems really are...
1.5 km from hotel
Tamanyan St.